Look at the picture above. How many times has this been you...or similar to you anyway. I realize some of you reading this may be guys and well, we know you're not women...but you know what I mean. How many times have you stepped onto that evil monstrosity we call a scale and felt like crap because the number it gave you was higher than what you have been told you should weigh? Get off the damn scale! Stop weighing yourself. I'll tell you why in a minute.

Let's talk about the word "diet" for a minute. Diet can be either a verb or a noun: "to diet" means to restrict your caloric intake in an effort to lose weight, right? We say things like "I can't have that piece of cake because I am dieting." The word diet can also be a noun, like when we say something like "I am eating a healthy diet of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables." See the difference? You will never "be on a diet" again...you will "eat a healthy diet". 

You see, dieting (the verb) is dangerous, unhealthy, and frankly doesn't work. Sure, you can go on all sorts of diets: The Adkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, The 17 Day Diet, The Cabbage Soup Diet...there's a million of them out there. But what these diets don't do is teach you how to make permanent changes in your life. These are nothing more than band-aid, temporary, quick-fix crap that should be avoided at all cost. You may lose weight on these diets but as soon as you go back to your normal eating habits you will, I repeat will gain the weight back. These are not long-term ways of life. Now I'm sure you can go out there on the internet and find a bunch of people who will say "This diet changed my life...blah, blah, blah"...these people are the exception. They are not the majority.

So here's what I purpose, I say why don't we throw out the damn scale and go back to basics. Start with a food journal and write down every single thing you eat and drink every day for one week. Just eat like you normally would, but write everything down. Then, go onto a nifty website like MyFitnessPal.com and calculate the calories in everything in your journal and come up with an average caloric intake for each day. If you take a look at that number, you will see where you need to start. If you take a look at your journal and subtract the calories from everything that was unhealthy that you put into your body, you will see a decrease in your caloric intake...probably a significant enough decrease where you could possibly lose a few pounds by just changing what you eat. Not "going" on a diet but "changing" your diet. See the difference? Take out the crap and replace it with lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. This is a much better and healthier way to start your journey to weight loss. 

One more thing, something else the scale doesn't tell you when it blurts out that number of his is that you need to take body composition into account; fat weight vs muscle weight. Many times people will change what they are eating and start working out...lifting weights perhaps...and they get frustrated because the scale is telling them their weight is only decreasing very slowly. That is most likely because you are burning the fat but building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Let me make one thing clear though. A common misconception is that you are turning fat into muscle. That is about 8 different kinds of wrong. It is impossible to turn fat into muscle, you are sort of making a trade...burning fat and building muscle at the same time. So your body composition is changing but just weighing yourself on a scale will not tell you that. It's a better idea to take your measurements (upper arm, chest, waist, hips, thigh, and calf) with a tape measure before you start your weight loss journey and then measure your progress more by how your clothes fit rather than a number on a scale. That number does not define you; YOU define you! Your goal is not to be skinny, it is to be HEALTHY. There is a big difference!

If you found this post helpful, please leave me a comment below. I would also love to hear any questions you may have so I can address them in future posts.  Thanks so much for spending time with me. Stay healthy!
"You're not any greater when people praise you,
Nor any worse when they criticize you.
Who you are is how you see yourself.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Simply priceless!"
Something occurred to me on my walk this morning and I wanted to share it with y'all. I often times take a moment to reevaluate my purpose...why am I working out? Who is all of this really for anyway? This is what I came up with:
  •  work out to relieve stress.
  • I work out to set a good, healthy example for my kids.
  • I work out to set a good example for my AdvoCare clients.
  • I work out so I can have more energy, be stronger and leaner...and to work on my ninja skills at kickboxing.
  • I work out because I see that others who also work out are positive influences in my life and I enjoy surrounding myself with them.
  • I work out because I am old and have 8 pregnancies worth of baby weight to lose.
  • I work out to get away from my kids...I may be old but they can't keep up with me.
  • Mainly...I work out for ME! It is a gift I give to myself every day because I am worth it and I treasure the gift of health that God has given me. I intend to use it for good and not evil...unless said ninja skills should need to come into play.
I spent many years worrying about the number on the scale...comparing my number to the number that was on the chart for my weight and age. Am I a failure because my number is too big? Is there any hope for me to get to my charted number? And then I told myself to shut up because I realized a few things:
  • I am more than a number on a scale.
  • I don't work out to be skinny...I work out to be healthy.
  • Any amount of exercise I do is better than nothing at all.
  • Every time I choose the apple over the brownie...I WIN!
  • Once in a while when I choose the brownie...I STILL WIN!
  • The scale sucks. I will now gauge my level of health and fitness on how I feel and how my clothes fit. 
  • I am more than a number on a scale.
My advice to all of you who are struggling with your weight...those of you who are self conscious about working out in front of people because your "number" is too big...is this: You don't have to be an Olympic athlete, you just have to try. If you get tired, stop...catch your breath and start again but don't you dare quit. Quitting's for losers and you're no loser. Keep moving, even a little bit. Wiggle if you have to, just keep moving. And most of all surround yourself with loving, caring, supportive people. I am more than a number on a scale...and so are you!
Hey y'all! Well, it's been quite a while since I've last posted here and so much has happened! I need to share all of my exciting news with you...so here goes!

I've posted here about my never-ending struggle to lose weight and reach my health and fitness goals for a while now. Little by little I'm being presented with options that will help me reach these goals. First it was AdvoCare, which has made all the difference not only in my life, but in the lives of many of my friends as well. I feel so much better on the products, have more energy than I ever remember having before, and I know my metabolism is in full force because I'M LOSING INCHES AND POUNDS WEEKLY! I started with a 24 Day Challenge and lost 15 pounds...you can read about my AdvoCare story on the other part of this site...but ever since my first Spark I knew these products were for me. Use of the products lead into an awesome business opportunity that I have been incredibly blessed to have in my life. I have been given such an opportunity to help others physically and financially and for that I am so grateful!

Secondly, I joined a gym. I know, I know...I have always said "I'm not the gym type", but this is no ordinary gym. This is THE gym. Here's the short version: A number of my friends go to Florida Get Fit and swear that it is the best gym around. I went to their Facebook page, liked it, and a few days later saw a post for a Biggest Loser competition they were having. I contacted Sarah Farmer who owns the gym and told her I was interested and that was that. A group of us started our fitness quest on October 1st with insane workouts and meal plans. We are all shaping up and looking good...and becoming fast friends in the process. Like they say, misery loves company right? LOL! (Just kidding Sarah!) We have met for kickboxing at 4:50 a.m. and bootcamp at 7:30 p.m. Seems like all we do is workout! But the results speak for themselves...in fact, that picture of me you see at the top of this post makes me incredibly proud. I am wearing a shirt I haven't been able to wear since COLLEGE! College, people! That was circa...yeah, like I was going to tell you when I graduated! Ha! Nice try! Let's just say it's been a while.  I am so thrilled to finally have found a system that works for me. I am the strongest I've been since my ROTC days in college! I don't shun push-ups anymore, although burpees can still kiss my butt! It is an absolutely amazing feeling. So much of my life has been spent feeling crappy about my body...feeling tired and miserable and just fat...and telling myself I was just going to have to resign myself to the fact that I was "too busy" to make the necessary changes. I do believe that God puts people in our lives as He sees fit...He knows what (and who) we need and when we need them. I have an amazing support system now in my friends from the gym, my friends, family and neighbors, as well as my AdvoCare family. I have never felt to supported and loved before when trying to reach a goal and make a life change! And I want to share it with you!

If you are feeling the same way I have felt...if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired...and are ready to make the big changes in your life that are necessary to help you reach your goals, please leave me a comment with this post and I will get in touch with you and share a little more about my journey and what has inspired me to "keep on keeping on"!  For those of you who are personal friends of mine, you can message me on Facebook or send me a text or email as well. I'm a tech junkie so I'm never out of the loop for more than the amount of time it takes for me to switch from my lap top to my cell phone! LOL! I feel so blessed to have been able to get to where I am right now and would love nothing more than to help others get here too.  Nothing is impossible. Nothing is unattainable. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Love and hugs to each and every one of you...and never, NEVER give up your dreams! God Bless! 
This is a huge, huge day for me! I just had to share this with y'all!  I essentially spent my 20's pregnant...constantly, back to back pregnant. I actually have 2 kids born on the same day exactly 1 year apart kind of pregnant. So you can imagine what this journey means for me...my youngest is 7 and it's time to lose the baby weight and get on with it already. 

I try very hard during Challenges not to weigh myself all the time. I try to gauge my progress more by how my clothes are fitting and how I'm feeling rather than the infamous "number on the scale"...but today I couldn't resist. I had to check. I checked 3 times as a matter of fact because the first time I checked I was laughing so hard...I thought it was a joke! Nope, I am now officially within 2 pounds of my lowest weight in 13 years! AND...my percent body fat went down by .5% which I know isn't much but baby steps, right? I can't believe this! I have been working so hard for the past 12 days on this Challenge and it is paying off! And I still have 12 more days to go! Seeing my progress today is my motivation to continue down this path with even more energy and "aliveness" as my good friend Richa Badami says.  I am hoping that if you are following along with me on this journey and you find yourself facing similar challenges that you realize you can reach your goals. The saying goes "I didn't promise you it would be easy...I promised you it would be worth it!" And it so very much is!!!! Thank you for stopping by. Your support means more to me than you know!